How to choose the perfect fishing spot

One of the most important things when it comes to fishing is picking a great fishing spot. Finding a great spot can be the difference between snagging a monster or leaving empty handed.

We’ll lay out some tips to help when searching for the perfect fishing spot.

The first tip is figure out what type of fish you want to catch. Different fish congregate in different spots. For example, bass like places with a lot of shade, plenty of shelter, and lots of food. A shallow cove or near stumps or standing timber may be an ideal spot to find these types of fish.

After you figure out which type of fish you’re after, the next step is to do some homework. Before heading out to throw your line in the water, jump online and find local fishing forums. Search for local fishing associations, tourism guides, or any other information about the spot you can dig up.

You’ll also need to check out the weather and temperature. These are important external factors which may affect where to find fish. Also keep in mind the season and the time of year. Certain fish behavior is dictated by the change in season.

Before you pack up the gear, head to the spot and take a walk around the area. Look at your surroundings. Look for birds because they will often be where baitfish are located. Walk up close to the bank even if you scare the fish. It could help because you will see where the fish are coming from and where they go to hide.

Take note of structures and vegetation in the area where fish could be hiding. Bass in particular love to hide under docks or hang out around fallen logs. Walleye and Muskie love to congregate near ledges. Keep this in mind when out scouting the potential fishing spot.

Look for vegetation on the water. Bass love to be around hydrilla and hyacinth. Vegetation on the water is usually a great way to find fish because they love to be around it for cover.

Once you’ve scouted out the area, go back to the town and start talking to locals. A good first stop would be a local bait shop. Employees at a bait shop could be able to tell you a good fishing spot for a particular species. Calling a local fishing guide and asking for some information could also help.

Now that you’ve found the perfect fishing spot, the next step is to get out and get your bait in the water. Be sure to bring your ConnectScale 3

One of the many great features of the ConnectScale is the ability to help anglers keep track of their catch data. Anglers keep a personal log book through the ConnectScale app which helps identify patterns and techniques that are successful. It also helps identify which bait works best. 

After you pull that fish from the water, the ConnectScale app automatically logs weight, date, time, and GPS location. It also has a map which shows your most popular fishing spots by pinning catch locations. 

Happy fishing!