Tips for growing your social media following as a Pro Staff and Field Staff member

Social media users love videos.

According to a 2018 survey, 82 percent of Twitter users watch video content, almost half of all Facebook users watch more than an hour of Facebook videos a week, and 85 percent of U.S. Internet audiences watch videos online.

When you are working as a pro staff or field team member in the fishing industry, it is important to convey a clear and concise message to your audience. Whether you are explaining a new technique or demonstrating how to use fishing equipment, utilizing videos are a great way to connect with your audience. 

So, what are some of the best practices when it comes to producing great social media videos? Below we offer some tips and tricks on how to get the most out of the videos you upload on social media.

Be Upbeat

Be energetic and enthusiastic during your video. No one wants to watch someone who seems disinterested in the topic or looks like they need a quick nap. 

But you also do not want to overdue the energy and enthusiasm. Try to remain authentic to your personality while realizing you are also talking to real people. 

Plan in Advance

Plan your video in advance and think about what you will do and say. You don’t want to start recording and then stumble when you begin speaking.

Put thought into how you will frame the shot, location, and any props you may wish to use to demonstrate your point. If you are planning to show a bait technique, make sure you have everything you will need close at hand. It may be a good idea to do a practice run of the video to see where corrections may need to be made. 

Think about equipment as well. You may want to buy a small tripod which can help stabilize a mobile phone while shooting the video. If shooting a video on the water, make sure there is a stable place to set the camera away from the water’s edge. 

You should also find good lighting. Natural light is the best source but if you are shooting inside, try a lamp. Just make sure to face the light source so it spreads evenly across your face.

Grab their attention

Capture attention early. Videos tend to play automatically when people are scrolling so capturing someone’s attention in the first few seconds is vital. Facebook recommends using engaging post copy and to start with captivating elements.

Structure your video

Always go into the video knowing how you want it structured. One age old adage is to tell the audience what you’re going to show them, show them, then tell them what you just showed them.

An example of this could be, “Today I’m going to show you how to use this lure to catch a fish.” You would then show them how to catch a fish with that lure, and finally follow up by saying, “So that’s how we use this lure to catch a fish.”

Finish with a call to action

When you wrap up your video, always be sure to end with a call to action. Some examples would be, “Be sure to get your ConnectScale using my referral link below,” or “If you like this video, be sure to hit the follow (or subscribe) button below.”

Check out this example video from Tyler Fishing. Take notes on how he talks to the camera, the overall stability of the shot, and how he speaks to the camera clearly and enthusiastically. 

Follow these tips to produce great social media videos for your audience. 

If you would like to apply to be a Pro Staff or Field Staff member, please visit